Mom. Mom!
Can we start work early today?
Oh, dear,
it's not even dawn yet.
You can go to work when the rooster
crows. Oh, go back to sleep.
[ Sighs ]
Um, excuse me.
Hello, sir. Excuse me,
but it's nearly dawn, and--
- [ Mumbling ] What?
- Sorry to disturb you.
lt's nearly dawn, and l wondered
if you'd mind crowing just a
few minutes early this morning.
- Get out of here!
- But, well, see l--
- Get lost!
- Oh, okay.
[ Groans ]
[ Bleating ]
[ Bleating ]
[ Bleating, Barking ]
[ Narrator ] Now the pig understood
why the sheep called all dogs wolves.
And he was filled with
a deep and terrible rage.
- [ Whimpering ]
- [ Barking ]