
[ Yipping ]
Babe, you wait here.
- Aren't pigs allowed?
- Not live ones.

- Sorry, dear. Only dogs
and cats inside the house.
- Why?

That's just the way
things are.

[ Purring ]
- [ Screeching ]
- [ Barking ]

[ Babe Groaning ]
- Ow!
- [ Mrs. Hoggett ] Pig-pig-piggy!

Ooh, what a spectacular feast
l've got for you.

Oh, yes! What a lucky
little pork chop you are.

Delicious! Oh, yes!
Yum, yum, yum.

Who's gonna grow up
to be a big, fat pig?

You are! You are!
Yum, yum, yum.

- [ Puppy ] Where are we going?
- To work with the sheep.

- What's sheep?
- Sheep is animals
with thick, woolly coats.

And thick woolly heads. And men
can't look after them without us.

- Why do they need us?
- [ Together ]
'Cause we're sheepdogs! Yea!

- Not you, dear.
- Why not?

We have to do dogs' work.
You're a pig. Your job
is to stay here and eat your food.

We'll be back
at the end of the day.

[ Female Voice ] They don't think
l'll remember. Well, l don't forget.
