Seems like a sheep's
just born to suffer.
Excuse me.
[ Coughing ]
Darn wolf!
- l'm not a wolf. l'm a pig.
What are you?
- Ewe.
Pig. What are you?
l'm a ewe.
A ewe!
- You're a sheep!
- l'll not be called
a common sheep, thank you kindly.
l'm a Border Leicester ewe.
The name's Maa.
- [ Coughing ]
- Oh.
- What's wrong with you, Maa?
- Foot rot. And l got me a nasty cough.
And l'm not as young
as l used to be. [ Coughing ]
[ Coughing,
Bleating ]
- Seem like a nice young pig.
What be your name?
- Babe.
Not like them wolves.
Treat you like dirt, they do!
- Bite you as soon as
look at you, those savages!
- Bite you?
And worse.
Some wolves be so bad,
they run a sheep down
and tear it to pieces.
- [ Coughing ]
- Fly would never do that!
Fly, is it? A right vicious creature
she be, l'll tell you.
- Not Fly.
- All them wolves is cruel
to sheep. Always have been.
Brutal savages!
That's what they be.
l wouldn't want to see a gentle soul
like you mixin' with the likes of them.
[ Coughing ]
[ Narrator ]
That afternoon when he saw Fly,
the pig's mind
was a tangle of questions.
Cruel, vicious, brutal?
What was it that dogs did
in the fields all day?
- Hello, Babe? Had a good day?
- Yes, thank you.
[ Giggling ]
[ Narrator ] The old sheep
had to be wrong about Fly.
And the pig promised himself
that he would never think badly
of any creature ever again.