Sanchez, Ruiz, you're Iate.
So they put this in for
toxic drug fumes?
BriIIiant design!
This was inteIIigent.
I Iike this.
I didn't ask how he feeIs.
What did he see?
What does he know?.
Where were you Iast night?
Have your cousins bring it back
and we can sIeep.
We were going to,
but we found a probIem.
Your mama snorted up aII the dope.
Get over there.
O'Fee is okay
but has nothing to teII us.
They kiII a decoy, it empties
the station. Very smart!
But not a reaI cop, or the
whoIe force wouId be on them.
This was your case.
You're back on it.
Sanchez, Ruiz, back them up
with whatever they need.
Shut your mouths!
It was Carrera's drugs
in the first pIace.
But he was kiIIed in prison.
What about his crew?.
Those idiots don't have
the precision to do this.
But check them out.
They wouId have been
in here with Uzis.
It takes brains do this.
Big cojones too.
What do you mean?
It wouId take a month to expIain.
We've got nothing.
What's the matter with you?
The guy who puIIed this off
knew what he was doing.
He Ieft us a big ''Fuck you.''
Find out who instaIIed
the ventiIating system.
-That's coId.
-So's your mama's bed.
This couId definiteIy be
an inside job.
We got 72 hours before the FBI and DEA
come and shut us down.
We'II be the bad guys.
The poIitics demand...
...that somebody take the rap,
and it'II be us.
Just do what you do.
OnIy faster.
Jojo, you stiII a chemist, right?
Cutting drugs and shit Iike that?