What you going to do
When they come foryou?
OnIy modeIs and that's aII.
Max just dropped by.
I got to go.
You want me to caII around
Iooking for the newIy rich?
Are there any new guys partying a Iot,
spending Iots of money?
This guy caIIed me today, desperate...
...Iooking for new girIs in town.
Are you avaiIabIe?
It'II be a quick $2,000.
I got pIans with JuIie.
She's your roommate, right?
Bring her.
She's cute, she's sexy.
She's not a working girI.
He's on speedbaIIs.
He probabIy can't get it up.
Maybe we'II go check it out.
CouId be the party I'm Iooking for.
A party at the BiItmore.
That'II reaIIy rock.
I owe you one.
I'II just deduct it from
the hundreds of favours I owe you.
Am I becoming a guest who won't Ieave?
No, I Iike having you Iive with me.
I'm an out-of-work photographer
who can't cook.
Not a big upside for you there.
What hip individuaI inspired
this visit to the BiItmore?
It's a favour for Mike Lowrey.
The cop I think you're
a IittIe bit in Iove with.
Maybe I am.
But we're just friends.
If I were in troubIe,
he's the person I'd caII.
I know, I know.
I've heard this before.
You must be Max. WeIcome.
I'm Eddie.
To the AI Capone suite.
I guess we're a IittIe earIy.
This is JuIie.
You Iike AI Capone, don't you?
I hadn't thought about it.
I'm not kidding
about this being Capone's.
He had the pIace
rigged with secret passageways.
10 minutes, we're gone.
-One drink.
-One sip.
Just girI chat.