Looks Iike I'm catering this.
I was Iooking for my 2 keys of dope.
Now I know where they are.
Yours? It's our score.
-And the girI?
Just entertainment.
I'm Max.
Nice to meet you.
I Iike a woman who
takes pride in her appearance.
Don't you?
I hate when
a bitch Iets herseIf sIide.
You Iook Iike a modeI in that dress.
WiII you modeI for me?
Oh, great!
It's the goon squad.
You were a cop.
You shouId know hookers taIk.
You couIdn't wait 4 more days
untiI I made the deaI?
I can't work with
that kind of stupidity.
I got you connected inside.
I brought you my famiIy.
It's my famiIy now.
We're stiII friends.
-What're you guys doing?
-You pissed him off.
You got bIood on me again.
Someone's there!
Get her!
Get her!