Bad Boys

What the fuck?!
Shoot her!
-I got her.
-I got her!

-What do you know about shooting?

I can't beIieve she made it!
Are you serious?
She jumped.
Find out who she worked for,
and find out where she Iives.

It's about fucking time!
Come here, Iook at this.
See this guy?

He's dead, right?
-Look famiIiar?
-Eddie Dominguez.

-The ex-cop.
-Two points for you.

And there's high-grade
heroin over there.

That's a headIine SincIair wiII Iove.
No sign of forced entry.
What is this? Looks Iike Beirut.
It's the AI Capone suite.
What can I say? Shit happens.
It's a shitty day.
ReaI shitty day.
We've got two shades
of Iipstick over here.

Someone's missing from the party.
Listen to me.
Your onIy function in Iife now
is to find that person.

It's the onIy Iead we have.
I'II check aII caIIs to the room.
