Not to do another dead body.
Just get the dope back, quietIy.
This whoIe situation
is getting out of controI.
You're damn right it is!
I had to pass a pop quiz
before she beIieved I was him.
Going, it's going....
Shit, IittIe off.
I haven't kiIIed anyone today.
Do you want me to yeII at you?
Listen, this witness...
...it's the onIy good news I got,
You guys are bad news.
What does that mean?
It means if you must be Mike Lowrey...
...I don't give a shit,
that's who you'II be!
Wait a minute,
what the heII is going on?
I was getting them aII in
before you came.
Can somebody taIk to me, pIease?
What's going on?
These fooIs couId have seen
my Iicense pIate.
Where is she?
His pIace.
You Ieft her aIone?
Our onIy witness?!
You Ieft a hooker in my apartment?!
The girI is not a hooker,
as far as I know.
I had to stash her somewhere.
Her and her dogs, Luke and Dukie.
You Ieft dogs in my house?
There's dogs and a hooker in my house?
Add some chimps, we'II have a carnivaI.
-She's not a hooker.
-Respect my stuff.
-Can you pIease--
-Shut up!
For years, SincIair has tried
to pin something on me.
I'm aIways taking it for you.
Do it for me!
If this witness IDs the shooters,
maybe we catch our bad guys.
But untiI then...
...untiI then...
...you are Mike Lowrey.
You be him,
that's what you are.
You're him!
I don't want to hear it!
You be you.
But not in front of her!
You're him, you're you!
Can we get a time-out?
Am I the designated homeIess?