Bad Boys

I'm fine, thanks.
AII right.
ExpIain it to me. There's a probIem
with our chemistry set?

It's not a chemistry set.
He knows it ain't a chemistry set.
So what is it?
The cutting agent
is a highIy voIatiIe...

-I don't care.
-The ether--

I don't care! I don't care!
I'm not
a fucking chemistry teacher.

What is the probIem?!
There's too much moisture down here.
It's totaIIy fucked.
Shut up!
What eIse?
It's taking Ionger to cook
than we pIanned. If we rush it...

...we can't seII the drugs.
You're fucking with my timetabIe.
I gave you a deadIine.

-Do you understand?!
-I do.

You dressed?
Yeah, I am.
We must go through some mug shots.
I'II hook into the computer.

-And we can do this.
-Who's that guy in the photos?

Sometimes I don't Iook
and forget aII those pictures was here.

That's my partner. That's my partner,
Marcus Burnett.

I've never seen anything
Iike this before.

I see how it may throw you
a IittIe bit.

It's a cop thing.
These pictures are here for
each time he saved my Iife.

It's the same with him.
At his pIace, just pictures of me.

It's Iike a shrine. Just a reminder.
When I saw it, the whoIe waII,
I thought maybe they were...

:51:56 of your Iover.
I thought you were gay.
