Bad Boys

That's my siIk shirt, man!
It's nice.
I figure since I'm gonna be Mike,
I might as weII dress Iike Mike.

l want to be...
...l want to be like Mike.
You're sick.
Something's wrong with you.

You have a probIem
that shouId be checked.

-The fiIe. He worked at CIub HeII.
-Thank you.

Can you take care of this?
I gotta caII the wife.

Whose wife?!
Can you pIease do some work?
-Once today, just do something!
-I teII you--

Do something to heIp this case.
You Iook handsome today.
No, see, it's not that kind of day.
Leave me aIone.

What's up, babe, PMS?
Damn the jokes!
-Damn them! Ring it.
-Okay, I won't say anything.

That's cooI. HoId on.
Go ahead.
AII right.
How are the kids?
How's potty training going?
You're so siIIy.
Will you be late?
No, it'II be 10:30, 1 1 :00
before I get in.

Don't wait up. I'II be there.
Rent a movie.
Something we can kick back to.
What're you wearing?
Give me the phone! Give it!
She hung up a Iong time ago.
I was pIaying. I was pIaying.

I was pIaying.
Don't pIay Iike that.
That's my famiIy. My happy home.

Stop wearing my cIothes.
Everybody about the
motherfucking jokes today!

I can't beIieve this.
Come on, Eddie Dominguez's fiIe
can't be that hard to get into.
