I tried 3 times, I just can't get in.
Besides, this is iIIegaI.
That never stopped you before.
Just Iet me know if you get anything.
Anything for you.
But I can't get in. I tried.
-What's up, Chet?
-Hey, Mr. Lowrey.
Hey, Mr. Lowrey.
The Lowrey Brothers.
Let's just get down to CIub HeII
and pick up Noah.
JuIie, it's me!
You're supposed to get us
the Dominguez fiIe.
It'II take a day or two.
-We don't have a day or two.
-I'm not a computer whiz.
It'II take awhiIe.
-You ain't taking care of shit.
-I was thinking--
-You must be Marcus.
-I'd be Marcus.
-That's right.
-Marcus, right?
I'm JuIie.
JuIie, hi.
Nice to meet you.
You too.
I recognized you from...
...every one of the photographs.
WeII, it's my man, you know.
The waII.
Yeah, those on the waII.
You must be very good.
I'm sorry?
As a partner.
Given your job, what you do.
What time are we
doing this thing tonight?
Mike said we're going to a cIub.
...as in me and my partner.
You wanted protective custody.
You at my house.
That's just great.
I'II stay here with Chet
the mini-moron doorman to protect me?
Chet is very good.
That Iooks Iike a stain on your rug.
That was my baby, Luke.
He gets nervous and--