This mister must have made a mistake.
That's right, he is talking nonsense.
Can I ask a question?
Can I pull those stings out from his body?
He doesn't has any sting, my friend.
He is neither a vespid nor a scorpion.
Doesn't snake has any stings?
No, he only got fangs.
Right, fangs.
Now they all understand...
...that Snake's teeth are poisonous.
Plus understood all snakes are poisonous.
Thus, please allow me...
...to recite a poem to everybody.
When I caught a snake with horns,
I can show everyone its horns,
come on.
However, a snake's horns are
distinct from the rest animals' horns.
Distinct from deersÂ’;
distinct from goats'.
Like two grains of rice,
located on each side of the head,
Those are the snake's horns.
Mama, let me go to buy it,
I will be right back.
I've said, no!
Don't close...
...it's too late now.
Where are you going?
Get papa some soaps.
Please! Let me go to buy it.
I've said, No!