You see within the pond...
where to get it?
It's always about they bought
for us, but not this year.
Looks exactly the same as
those fish sold in the market.
I will be right back. I promise
I will not lose myself.
I have seen that, too.
Not the same. Our fish are thinner.
What did you say?
There is no more shampoo left.
I am not talking to you.
Alright, they are different.
Our fish are way thinner.
Thin? Don't you make a mistake at here.
Their gills look like are dancing
when they are swinging.
Their gills are so long,
there are four of them.
Ok, I still have many things need to do.
Keep this basket well,
and bring me a basin.
But there are only three left.
And if isn't because I have some emergency,
none of them will be left.
We have got none left
during the New Year's day.
And during grandma's visit.
Can't we celebrate the
new year without fish?
Don't you just stand sitting there,
come and grab a fish.
Bring that red over here.
And the fish bowl, too.
Hurry, go.
Mama, just let me go, please!
I can trade in all of my gifts for this.
You haven't received any gifts yet.
Grandma will send me gifts.
I give all of them to you.
And you already put on new clothes
before the new year's arrival.
Pledged hand those gifts out even
before you have received them.
What's the matter?
Kids are headstrong, you gotta hurry.
If your late are caused by mum...
then that will be my fault.
Don't cry in New Year's eve.