(Boris) Not a dog, not a wolf.
All he knows is what he is not.
If only he could see what he is.
Oy, oy.
Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!
(Thud, squeaking stops)
( Russian dance)
Hey! (Music stops)
Homesick, Boris?
- You ever think about going back?
- Don't fret, Fido.
I'm sticking here until I'm sure
you can stand on own four feet.
- YOU'RE taking care of ME?!
- Don't thank me.
I smell... herring.
- The herring are flying south too?
- Say!
- Must be Muk and Luk.
- Oh. Good news(!)
- Uncle Boris!
- Oh, no!
How sweet. "Uncle Boris."
No hugging, no licking!
- Uncle Boris!
- Aaaah!
Aaah. Ooh!