Repeat, urgent request.
More diphtheria antitoxin. Stop.
Nome in grave danger. Stop.
Please help. Stop.
(Telegraph operator)
Nome, pack ice closing in.
Cannot ship antitoxin by sea.
Will try by air.
Nome, storm at airport.
Planes grounded until storm clears.
Many regrets.
From Juneau, Office of the Governor,
we are shipping antitoxin by rail.
Train line ends at town of Nenana.
Select fastest dogs for sled team.
To carry antitoxin
from Nenana to Nome. Stop.
God willing,
train will make it through. Stop.
(Man) ...select the fastest dogs for
the sled team to fetch the antitoxin,
the race is from...
(Becomes indistinct)
Just look at him.
He's gonna save the entire town.
He's positively... magnesium!
It's not exactly
a one-dog show, Dixie.
They're racing
to be on the dog sled team.
What's with you, Jenna?
Steele's a genuine hero.
But do you give him a sniff?
That's because Jenna
is running with Balto.
She was seen in the boiler room
the other night with Balto.
They went in together
and they left together.
I heard it all from
a very reliable source.
And don't bother to deny it.