Why, why, why, why, why?
BIind, stupid, simpIe, doo-dah...
...cIueIess Iuck!
The random toss...
...is the onIy true justice.
Let's see what justice has in store...
...for you.
It's Iike the touch of God.
Wait, wait, wait.
Fortune smiIes.
Another day of wine and roses.
In your case, beer and pizza.
Out of here, guys!
-But you said you'd Iet me Iive!
-Too true!
And so you shaII! Nothing's better
than Iive bait to trap a bat.
Hot entrance.
Two guards are dead.
He's hoIding a third hostage.
Didn't see this one coming.
We shouId have.
The Second Bank of Gotham--
Second anniversary
of the day I captured him.
How couId he resist?
I'm Chase Meridian.
I asked her to come here to consuIt
on the case. She speciaIizes in--
AbnormaI psychoIogy,
muItipIe personaIities. I read your work.
Naive, but insightfuI.
I'm fIattered. Not every girI
makes a superhero's night tabIe.
Can we reason with him?
-He's got innocent peopIe up there.
-It won't do any good.
-He'II sIaughter them without a thought.
A trauma powerfuI enough to create
an aIternate personaIity Ieaves one--
In a worId where normaI ruIes
of right and wrong no Ionger appIy.
Like you.
I couId write a heII of a paper on a man
who dresses Iike a fIying rodent.
Bats aren't rodents, Dr. Meridian.