Losing resoIution.
More power!
Edward Nygma...
...come on down!
You're the next contestant on...
...Brain Drain!
I'II take what's inside
thick skuII number one!
What have we got for him?
Oh, StickIey, I'm having a breakthrough!
And a breakdown? Maybe!
NevertheIess, I'm smarter. I'm a genius.
No, severaI geniuses.
A gaggIe, a swarm...
...a fIock of freaking Freuds!
RiddIe me this, Fred.
What is everything to someone...
...and nothing to everyone eIse?
Your mind, baby!
Now mine pumps with the power of yours!
''I'm sucking up your IQ
''Vacuuming your cortex
''Feeding off your brain''
What a rush!
What the heII just happened?