Batman Forever

...Dent's left-brain damage
turned him into a violent criminal...

...who blamed Batman
and who has vowed to destroy him.

Harvey Two-Face is extremely dangerous,
repeat, extremely dangerous.

That was the Commissioner.
There's been an accident
at Wayne Enterprises.

HorribIe way to die.
The surveiIIance cameras are down here.
We'II dredge the river, but with
that current, I doubt we'II find the body.

Oh, why?
I just can't beIieve it.
Two years working in the same office.
He was Iike my father...
:24:41 brother...
...or a cousin that visits a Iot.
Get a grip, Edward.
I found this in my cubicIe.
You'II find the handwriting matches his,
as does the sentence structure.

I couIdn't possibIy continue on here.
The memories....
This is Iast night's security Iog.
There's StickIey.
Pretty cut and dry.
Yes, definiteIy suicide.
Thanks very much for your heIp, Bruce.
We'II be in touch.

StickIey's suicide doesn't make sense.
I want fuII benefits for his famiIy.

Suicide's not covered
by our corporate insurance poIicy.

I know. FuII benefits.
Gossip Gerty caIIed 32 times.
Who are you taking to the Charity Circus?

I'II Iet you know. What's this?
I don't know.
I didn't see anyone.
