Ladies and gentlemen...
...boys and girls of all ages...
...welcome to the greatest show on earth!
Who is this beautifuI young woman
you're with?
Dr. Chase Meridian.
A doctor?
What kind of doctor?
...for Gotham Children's Hospital.
Let's thank our largest single donor:
Bruce Wayne!
Ladies and gentlemen...
...70 feet above the ground...
...performing feats
of unimaginable aerial skill...
...the Flying Graysons!
...I'm going rock cIimbing this weekend.
WouId you Iike to join me?
I'd Iike to.
I Iove cIimbing. I reaIIy Iove it.
I've met someone.
That's fast work. You just moved here.
You couId say he just...
...dropped out of the sky and...
I think he feIt it too.
He sure did.