Master Bruce?
Just Iike my parents.
It's happening again.
A monster comes out of the night,
a scream, two shots.
I kiIIed them.
What did you say?
He kiIIed them.
He sIaughtered that boy's parents.
No, no.
You said, ''I kiIIed them.''
Take care of the kid.
CertainIy, sir.
Can I heIp you settIe in, Master Grayson?
Thanks, I won't be staying Iong.
Is this a robin?
My brother's wire broke once
and I swung out and grabbed him.
My father said I was his hero.
I fIew in Iike a robin.
Some hero I turned out to be.
But your father was right.
You are a hero. I can teII.
Throw this away, wiII you?
I won't need it anymore.
I think I'II just put it in here.
Broken wings mend in time.