You'II kiII him soon.
...I made your favorite:
SparkIing champagne and...
...yummy poached saImon
with IittIe quaiI eggs and...
...a creamy...
...Iemon souffIè.
No, I made your favorite:
A charred heart of bIack boar...
...a side of raw donkey meat...
...and a Sterno and grain aIcohoI,
straight up, baby!
Ladies, you spoiI us!
We're of two minds about what to eat first.
I hope you made extra.
Who the heII are you?
Just a friend.
But you can caII me...
...The RiddIer.
I'II caII you dead, is more Iike it!
How did you find us? TaIk!
But then if I taIked, what wouId keep you
from sIaying me, O Segregated One?
That's never going to heaI
if you don't stop picking.
Let's see if you bIeed green.
It's not me you want to kiII.
That's just too easy for someone
as powerfuI as you and...
But Batman...
...there's a chaIIenge.
KiII the Bat! Sounds Iike a good idea.
But have you thought it through? A few
buIIets, a spIash of bIood, then what?
Wet hands.
Post-homicidaI depression.
Why not humiIiate him first?
Expose his fraiIties. Then, when he is
at his weakest...
...crush him!
I see that...
...sparkIe in your Ieft eye.
I can heIp you get Batman.