Batman Forever

Teamed with Two-Face,
this new criminal's pattern...

...of marking his crimes with puzzles
has Gothamites calling him The Riddler.

ApparentIy, you and Batman
have a common enemy.

That was with the morning maiI.
''The eight of us go forth, not back.
''To protect our king from the foe's attack.''
Chess pawns.
AII physicaI, man-made objects.
SmaII in size, Iight in weight.
What's the connection?
With aII due respect,
that's why they caII him The RiddIer.

May I heIp you?
Why is this the onIy Iocked door?
What's back there?
Master Wayne's dead wives.
The siIver cIoset. On your way.
Now, you can be part of the action!
Nygma Tech brings the joy
of 3-D entertainment into your home!

Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you...
:57:04 vision.
The Box in every home in America...
...and one day, the world!
In local news, Edward Nygma's 3-D Box...
...has become the rage of Gotham.
Rioting occurred last night
at electronic stores that were sold out.

There is hardly a home
without the Nygma Tech Box.

Critics claim The Box turns Gothamites
into zombies.

But Edward Nygma just shrugs.
''That's what they said
when TV was invented. ''
