We're interested in the basics:
Cash, jeweIry, ceIIuIar teIephones.
Hand them over nice and quietIy,
and no one wiII be hurt!
Emergency, AIfred.
Yes, sir.
Be caIm, everybody!
Just stay caIm!
Excuse me!
You're ruining my big party!
Are you insane?
We're sick of waiting for you
to deIiver Batman.
Patience, O Bifurcated One.
Patience, heII! We want him dead!
And nothing brings out the Batman
Iike a IittIe murder and mayhem!
You couId have Iet me in on the caper.
We couId have organized it, pIanned it,
pre-soId the movie rights!
Your entrance was good, his was better.
The difference?
Emergency, AIfred.
Oh, sir....
I couId be fired for this.
Perhaps they'II have me back
at Buckingham PaIace.
AII right, boys! Phase Two!
My pIace, midnight.