That's just what I said.
Then I taught my doggie a new trick:
How to map the human mind.
WouId you Iike to see
what Bruce Wayne has in his head?
RiddIe me this:
What kind of man...
...has bats on the brain?
-Go ahead. You can say it.
-You're a genius.
Oh, stop.
So, from this day on...
...Batman is no more.
You can't just quit.
There's monsters out there.
Batman has to protect the innocent.
I've dedicated my Iife to heIping strangers
I've never met.
Faces I've never seen.
...the innocent aren't faceIess anymore.
You can't teII me what to do
with the rest of my Iife.
My dad toId me that every man goes
his own way.
My way goes to Two-Face.
You must heIp me.
And if you do find Harvey...
...and then you kiII him...
...what next?
Then you'd be aIone, Iike me.
No, you must Iet this go.
Listen to me, I'm your friend.
I don't need a friend, I need a partner.
Two-Face has got to pay.
Chase is coming for dinner.
I'm going to teII her...