Not entireIy uncIever, sir.
But what do a cIock, a match,
chess pawns...
...and voweIs have in common?
What do these riddIes mean?
Every riddIe contains a number
and they arrived in this order:
13, 1, 8...
...and 5.
13, 1, 8 and 5.
Letters of the aIphabet?
Of course, 13 is M.
1 wouId be A, 8 wouId be H
and 5 wouId be E.
Perhaps 1 and 8 are 18.
18 is R.
How about...
...''Mr. E''?
-Another name for mystery?
Mr. E. Nygma.
Edward Nygma.
StickIey's suicide was obviousIy
a computer-generated forgery.
You reaIIy are quite bright,
despite what peopIe say.
Are aII the Batsuits destroyed?
AII except the prototype with the sonar
modifications. But it's not tested.
Tonight's a good night.
What do you suggest? By sea...
...or by air?
Why not both?
Who's your taiIor?
I took the Iiberty, sir.
What's that stand for?
RiddIer and Two-Face can make
a pretty IethaI combination.
You couId use a hand.
Two against two are better odds.
I can't promise I won't kiII Harvey.