Well, supposedly, men lose the ability
to hear higher-pitched sounds
and women eventually lose hearing in the low end
I guess they sort of nullify
each other, or something.
I guess. Nature's way of allowing couples
to grow old together without killing each other.
What are you reading?
Oh, yeah.
How bout you?
Look, I was thinking about going to the
lounge car sometime soon. Would you like to come with me?
So how do you speak such good English?
I went to school for a summer in Los Angeles.
This fine here?
Yeah, this is good.
Then I spent some time in London.
How do you speak such good English?
Me? I'm American.
You're American?
Are you sure?
No, I'm joking.
I knew you were American.
And of course, you don't speak any
other language, right?
Yeah, yeah, I get it
So I'm the crude, dumb, vulgar American who
has no culture, right?
But, I tried
I took french for four years in high
school. When I first got to Paris, I
stood in line at the Métro station.
I was practicing. 'Un billet, s'il vous
plaît. Un billet s'il vous plaît' y'know
"un billet"
Whatever. 'Un, Un.' 'Un billet s'il vous
plaît, un billet s'il vous plaît,' y'know,