Yes. Next question. What was the first...
Wait, wait.
-So I can give one word answers?
-Sure, why not?
No, no. After I went into such private details
about my first sexual feelings.
Yeah, I, I know, but, sexual feel...
Those are two very different questions
I mean, I could've answered the sexual feelings thing,
no problem, but y'know, love...
Well, what if I asked you about love?
-I would have lied
-Yeah, well, you would have lied. Great.
-but at least, you know, I would have made up a great story.
I mean, love is a complex issue. Y'know, I mean,
its like, uh. I mean, yes, I had told somebody that
I love them before, and I had meant it
Was it totally a totally unselfish, giving love?
Was it a beautiful thing? Not really
y'know. Its like love, I mean, uh, I don't know. Y'know?
Yeah, I know what you mean.
But as far as sexual feelings go, I'll have you know it started with
an obsessive relationship with Miss July 1978.
Do you know Playboy magazine?
Oh, yeah, I've heard of it.
-Yeah? Do you know Crystal?
You don't know Crystal? Well, I knew Crystal.
Is it, um... my turn now. okay.
Tell me something that really pisses you off
really drives you crazy.
-Pisses me off. My G-d. Everything pisses me off
-Okay, okay, list a couple.
Uh, okay. I hate being told by a strange man,
a strange man in the street,
y'know, like, to smile, like, to make them feel
better about their boring life,
um, what else?
I hate, I hate that 300 kms from here
there's a war going on, y'know, people are dying
and nobody knows what to do about it, or they
don't give a shit, I don't know
I hate that the medias, you know, they are trying to control our minds.
The media?
Yeah, the media.
You know its very subtle, but you know,
its a new form of fascism.
Um, I hate, I hate when I am in foreign countries,
especially in America, they are the worst.
Each time I wear black, or like, lose my temper,
or say anything about anything, they always go 'oh,
its so french, its so cute.'
I hate that I can't stand that, really.