Before Sunrise

Would you be in Paris by now, if uh,
you hadn't gotten off the train with me?

No not yet. What would you be doing?
I'd probably be hanging around the airport, reading old magazines,
crying in my coffee cause you didn't come with me.

I'd probably be hanging around the airport, reading old magazines,
crying in my coffee cause you didn't come with me.

Actually, I think I'd probably have gotten off the train
in Salsburg with someone else.

Oh, yeah? Oh, I see. So, I'm just that dumb American
momentarily decorating your bland canvass.

I'm having a great time.
Me too.
I'm so glad because no one knows I'm here, and I don't know anyone that
knows you that would tell me all those bad things you've done.

I'll tell you some.
Yeah, I'm sure.

You know, you hear so much shit about people.
I always feel like the general of an army when I start dating a guy, y'know,

plotting my strategy and manoeuverings, knowing his weak points,
what would hurt him, seduce him.

It's horrible.
If we were around each other all the time, what do you think
would be the first thing about me that would drive you mad?

-No, uh, no, no, I'm not gonna answer this question, no.

I just, I dated this girl once who, who used to always ask me that question,
'What about me bugs you?' y'know.

And so finally I said, well, y'know, I, uh,
just don't think you handle criticism too well.

She flew into a rage, and broke up with me, alright. That's a true story.
All she ever really wanted to do was to have an excuse to tell me
what she thought was wrong with me,

y'know. Is that what you want?
Something about me bugs you?
It's alright. Tell me. What is it? What about me bugs you?
Nothing, nothing at all.
Well, if it had to be something, what would it be?
If it had to be something, if I had to think about it, I...
I kind of didn't really like this reaction back at the palm reader.
You were like this rooster prick.

Rooster prick?
I was a rooster prick?
You were like a little boy whining because
all the attention wasn't focused on him.

Alright, listen, this woman robs you blind, okay?
