Before Sunrise

So? Pick a word.
A word, uh... milkshake.
Milkshake? oh, good. Yeah, was gonna say rooster prick, but great. Milkshake.
Milkshake? Okay, milkshake.
Yeah, right, so we'll...
What can I say? I like this Viennese variation of a bum.
I like what he said about adding something to your life, no?
Yeah. So, uh, were we having our first fight back there?
Yeah, I think so, I think we were.
Well, even if we were a little bit, y'know.
Why does everyone think conflict is so bad.

There's a lot of good things coming out of conflict.
Yeah. Yeah, I guess so.
I don't know, y'know, I always think that if I could just accept
the fact that my life was supposed to be difficult,

y'know that's what's to be expected, then, I might not get so pissed off about it,
and I'd just be glad when something nice happens.
Maybe that's why I'm still in school, y'know.
Its easier to have something to fight against.

Yeah, well, we've all had such competitiveness engrained in us...
...You know, I could be doing the most nothing thing, y'know, I could be,
uh, throwing some darts, or shooting some pool,
and all of a sudden, I feel it come over me,

'I have got to win'
Is that why you tried to get me off the train? Competitiveness?
What do you mean?
Okay. Look at the poem.
Oh, alright.
Will you read it to us?
Sure, okay.
Daydream delusion.
Limousine Eyelash
Oh, baby with your pretty face
Drop a tear in my wineglass
Look at those big eyes
See what you mean to me
Sweet cakes and milkshakes
