Sorry doesn't put the Triscuit crackers
in my stomach, does it, Carl?
I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
Have you all met?
Eric Gordon, my executive vice president.
And our operations manager Carl Alphonse.
Sit down, gentlemen, sit down.
Beautiful table.
Good seeing you, sir.
Where's Billy?
Juanita said he'd be down
in a few minutes.
I'm sure you'll all be very impressed.
Shampoo is better.
I go on first and clean the hair.
Conditioner is better.
I leave the hair silky and smooth.
Oh, really, fool? Really!
Stop looking at me, swan.
(slurps )
- Hey, Carl, what's up?
- Nothing much, Billy.
- I see you got a little sun today.
- You think so?
- I fell asleep by the pool for a few hours.
- Did you fall asleep or did you pass out?
Shut up!
That's enough, Billy. Because you took
your sweet-ass time coming down here,...
..these gentlemen will miss their flights.
Well, this guy can stay in my room,
I'll tell you that much.
Billy? Eat your soup.
It's good soup.
Gentlemen, I can't thank you enough
for coming this evening.