Billy Madison

- Can everyone say hello to Billy?
- Hello, Billy.

Billy is going to be sharing our fun
and learning for the next two weeks.

Billy is special,
just like each and every one of you.

And what do we do to our special people?
All right. All right.
Billy, why don't you take a seat
right up front here?

And we can start story time.
You got a misshaped head.
Thank you.
The Puppy Who Lost His Way
by Chrissy Taylor.

''One fine morning...
..a puppy popped his puppy paws
out of his puppy house.''

''This was no ordinary puppy.''
''This puppy was the happiest puppy
in the whole world.''

''In fact, his name was Happy.
Happy looked through the bushes...''

'''I'll never let you get lost again',
cried the little boy,...

..who was so happy
that he gave Happy a kiss...

..on his wet little puppy nose.''
''The end.''
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Miss Lippy.
The part of the story I don't like...

:20:37 that the little boy gave up
looking for Happy after an hour.

He didn't put posters up. He just sat
on the porch like a goon and waited.

That little boy's gotta think:
you got a pet, you got a responsibility.

If your dog gets lost, you don't look
for an hour then call it quits.

You get your ass out there
and you find that fuckin' dog!
