- Why? Did she say she likes me?
- Not to me.
Well, let's find out.
Uh, hello?
Um, is this Miss Vaughn?
Oh, hi. It's Ernie from class.
(whispers ) Ask her if she has a boyfriend.
Uh, Miss Vaughn, do you have a boyfriend?
(whispers ) No.
- Ask her...
- Shh!
Ask her if she likes anybody from class,
like, more than a friend.
Uh, Miss Vaughn, do you like
anybody in class more than a friend?
(whispers ) No.
Ask her if she would ever
go out with somebody from class.
- No!
- Just do it!
Um, Miss Vaughn, would you ever
go out with anybody from class?
You see, Ernie, grown-ups like
to go out with other grown-ups.
- What about Billy?
- You're more of a grown-up than Billy.
- I'll give you a grown-up.
- What was that, Ernie?
(high-pitched) Nothing.
See you tomorrow in class, Miss Vaughn.
You blew it!
Hey, I dare you to throw
your sandwich at the bus driver.
(children ) Do it. Come on.
Hey, who threw that?
I'll turn this damn bus around.
That'll end your precious little
field trip pretty damn quick, huh?