Billy Madison

O'Doyle rules.
Thanks a lot, O'Doyle. Nice meetin' you.
(giggling )
- Wait till they start with the wedgies.
- Yeah.

You oughta start cutting your underwear
before you get to school. So it rips easier.

I see. Who are you guys?
The guys everybody used to pick on
before you started here.

No, they ain't pickin' on me. They're givin'
me a hard time cos I'm the new guy.

A little first-day hazing.
- Are you in loser denial or something?
- I had a bad case of loser denial myself.

Till the lacrosse team stuck
a parking cone up my ass.

Loser? I ain't no loser.
I was the king of this high school.

A hundred friends, a million parties...
You guys are losers, not me.
And that is what a prime number is.
(children ) Billy!
I figured I got fourth period off,
I'd shoot down and say hi.

- How's high school, Billy?
- Yeah, how's high school?

High school is great.
I mean, I'm learning a lot.

And all the kids are treating me
very nice. It's great.

Gee, I can't wait till I go to high school.
Don't you say that.
Don't you ever say that.
Stay here.
Stay as long as you can.
For the love of God, cherish it.
(Veronica ) Jennifer,
why don't you read out loud?

You gotta cherish it.
You do.
I don't understand it.
I mean, ten years ago high school
was the greatest. I had so much fun.

I guess a little too much fun,
since you've gotta do it again.

I know. It's just that classes are so hard,
and all the kids treat me like I'm a goof.
