I'm the one
who's rotting,
but I think your face
looks graver than mine.
we must have alliance
with England
to prevail here.
You achieved that.
You saved your family,
increased your land.
In time, you will have
all the power in Scotland.
Lands, titles,
men, power-- nothing.
I have nothing.
Men fight for me...
because if they do not,
I throw them off my land
and I starve their wives
and their children.
Those men who bled
the ground red at Falkirk...
they fought for
William Wallace,
and he fights for
something that I've never had.
And I took it from him
when I betrayed him,
and I saw it in his face
on the battlefield,
and it's tearing me apart!
Well, all men betray,
all lose heart.
I don't want
to lose heart!
I want to believe...
as he does.
I will never be
on the wrong side again.