
He got his $25,000.
That I'll live with. Any more, I couldn't.
All right, all right. Where are you?
I'll send a plane for you right away.

Hi, Sam.
So what'd you do with it?
With what?
With the money.
He needed some clothes.
$25,000 for clothes?
He wanted a watch, too.
$25,000 for clothes and a watch?
GlNO: Good evening, signora. This way.
SAM: The good part was I had Amy back.
So we went home, had the housekeeper
stay over, put the kid to bed.

I calmed myself down,
and we went to dinner.

I tried to keep things nice and civil...
but $25, 000 for three suits?
That doesn't make much sense.
First of all, he's not gonna wear
$1,000 suits.

Let's say he did, which he won't.
How you gonna get fitted
for 25 suits in three days?

I mean, how could you get fitted that fast?
I can't get fitted that fast,
and I pay twice as much.

I bought him a watch, too.
But even if you bought him a really nice
watch, one that he thought was nice...

he doesn't know
what the fuck a good watch is.

Say you go $5,000 to $12,000
at the most, which is impossible for him.

Plus, at the most, three suits,
$1,000 apiece. That still leaves what?

-Around $10,000?
-Would you knock it off, Sam?

SAM: I'm just trying to figure it out.
GlNGER: There's nothing to figure out.

I'm home. We're working it out.
But I've been told before,
"We're working it out."

You think that you're home...
