
GlNGER: I fucking hate you!
I can't take it anymore!

Yes, I want to kill you!
I hate your fucking guts!

SAM: You hate my guts?
I want you to come with me now!

SAM: I want you out of here!
Take your fucking bag and get out of here!
I'll go, but I want my money right now!
-You'll get your money! Don't worry.
-The arrangement is over.

SAM: No kidding!
GlNGER: And I still get my money.

I need some cash now!
You can't just put me in the street!

You've never been straight with me
ever since I met you!

You never even loved me in the first place!
I need eyes in the back
of my head with you, you bitch!

How could I love you?
You treat me like I'm your fucking dog!

SAM: You're lower than a dog!
GlNGER: Fuck you!

Here! Is this enough money?
Will it last you two fucking days? Take it!
Greedy bitch. Take the fucking money.
I'm going to the bank...

-and I'm getting my jewellery, too!
-lt opens at 9:00 a.m. Be there.

Don't send your guys down there
to stop me! I mean it!

I guarantee you, I will not stop you.
You're not getting rid of me
with one fucking suitcase!

Come back tomorrow and get the rest.
Just get out of here.

GlNGER: I'm taking Amy.
SAM: You're not.

I am. I'm waking her up right now.
SAM: You're stoned. You're a junkie.
Get out of here.

I am not! She's my daughter, too!
SAM: Send my lawyers a letter,
god-fucking-damn you!

GlNGER: You're not getting away with this!
You're not gonna cut me out of my end!

GlNGER: Fucker!
[Car engine stops]
[Car door closes]
[Approaching footsteps]
