How you gonna make ten and spend ten,
nigger? Ten minus ten make what?
- Zero.
- You wanna be a zero nigger?
- I don't want me no zero nigger.
- You ain't got one.
Right. Now you see
what I'm sayin' to you?
Nigger wanna spend
all his money like that
gonna wake up broke
every day of his life.
Why? Cos the nigger
don't believe in hisself.
Thinkin' like a two-minute clock
instead of the long haul.
Long term. See your future.
Y'all come work for me,
this shit gonna be very different.
You gonna be savin' crazy money.
You gonna buy your moms
a house in Strong Island. Right?
Everybody stick out your hands
like this, palm down.
- What you all see?
- (All) Black.
- What you see?
- You 'posed to be seein' green.
All right. You get it, man?
No. You get it, nigger? You get it?
- I got it.
- All right.
(All talk at once )
Excuse me. Excuse me.
- You all have a job to do inside?
- Yeah.
Well, let's go. Who trash?
What's the matter with you?
Man, you ain't heard what happened?
I ain't heard nothin'.
You told me if I wanted
to get off them benches...
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
All's I hear is that Ahab's
lookin' for a new night manager.
I heard that.
Look here. You gonna chill
for a week or two, right?
Let the shit die down.
Be workin' still at my spot.
You gonna be on the benches,
but Ahab is the joint.
I'm tellin' you.
I got it. I'm all right.
Nigger look bad, boy.
What we're gonna do, we're gonna mix
the shit up with the food traffic.
Right? See, right now, we're doin'
way too much business from my spot.
We got a crowd of black,
white customers,