
Have a seat. So what's up?
Not a thing, Detective.
Detective? Call me Jo-Jo.
You like basketball?.
Nah. I don't like sports.
- What do you like?
- Trains.

Choo-choo trains?
You can't dunk a basketball?.

- Nah.
- Nah. Get the fuck outta here, man.

You been slammin'
before you was crawlin'.

All right, listen.
I'm here cos I like you.

I do. Now, tomorrow night's
gonna be knocko night.

We're coming down on these projects
like a fuckin' broom.

So if I was you,
I'd take my homies out, say 9pm,

for some chocolate Moolies
or whatever it is you drink,

till about 11, bet?
Yeah, bet.
I look out for you,
you look out for me.

- Yeah, all right.
- No, no, no. No "all right".

I look out for you,
you look out for me.

- You look like 500.
- 500. That's a start.

Good. Every week, I look out for you.
I tell you when we're hittin'. Week
in, week out, you look out for me.

- Cool?.
- Cool.

This is my man Kirby.
Kirby gonna double back in
like 30 minutes. You lay it on him.

You tell your boy Rodney
I got some good stuff he could use.

Finest, highest quality.
Peace out.
I think you dropped this.
If I was you,
I think I'd call this guy.

(Jo-Jo ) Larry.
Yo, Strike.
