
- Me?
- You little fuck. You did it.

I know it, you know it!
- Your brother knows it.
- Shit.

What's the thinkin' on this,
that if Victor claims self-defence,

he'll get off
because he has no record?

His life is over!
I know it's rough out here
for young, black males

with racism, no jobs,
single parent families...

- Fuck that.
- Don't fuckin' gesture at me.

Have some fuckin' respect.
But you're the fuckin' king snake!
You're a low-down, cold-blooded,
evil junkyard nigger...

- I've never seen in my life.
- What you talkin' about?

What'd you do, offer him money?
Who the fuck are you kiddin'?
You're not the Mafia.

You're not even Rodney Little! You're
a skinny-ass snake motherfucker.

You think you're hot shit. You ain't
nothing but a cold, fucking fart.

You don't know a motherfuckin' thing
about me.

You just a racist-ass,
nigger-hating cop.

You don't know how it is
for brothers.

And you motherfuckin' definitely...
- Don't point...
- ..nothin' about what's goin' on.

Don't you fuckin' point
your finger at me.

What's goin' on? What don't I see?
I ain't tellin' you shit
till I see my lawyer.

Listen. I talked to...
Look at me.
I got something nice to say.

I talked to all your brother's
people. He's one of the decent ones.

Probably in his deluded decency,
he thinks he's doing a noble thing.

But you and Victor playin' me
for a patsy? Usin' me?

Back up with that shit.
I read you like a Marvel fuckin'
Spiderman comic book!

I been inside your bald pea brain
since you were born.

20 fuckin' years!
You don't play me, I play you!
(Larry ) Rocco, you can't do this
in front of our house.

Understand? It's no good.
- Strike.
- (Beeps horn)

You want to make yourself crazy
goin' after someone else on this?

There's your man, right over there.
(Rodney ) Hold on.
