Oh, man, please!
You so desperate
you sellin' shit yourself?
Excuse me.
(Sighs) All right.
- Who tryin' to set me up?
- What do I know?
- Come on, man.
- I'm Homicide, man.
(Sighs) How long we been
doin' business, huh?
All of a sudden
it don't count for nothin'?
All I know is, somebody says
Rodney's your buddy.
He's not gonna break balls
if you go in. So?
Right, Rodney?
Rocco Klein, Rocco Klein.
I always wanted to ask you.
You Italian, you a Jew? What are you?
You can't make up your mind?
- Me?
- Yeah, you.
I'm from the lost Black Tribe
of Israel, the Yos.
Now put the rag away, lock up,
get your shit, and let's go.
I'm a businessman, all right?
I'm tryin' to make a dollar.
- Yeah, I'm proud of ya. Let's go.
- We got a job, too, OK?
Skyler, go find Errol.
Tell him to come down
and mind the store for me.
Tell my wife to get
my bail money together, too.
Give Errol my best, all right?
Better put a leash
on that psychopath.
(Whistle )
(TV presenter) 'The Santa Fe F-3.
'Considered the most attractive
paint scheme on any railroad.'
"Dear, Mr Herman Brown,
"I had to leave suddenly,
but I'll be all right.
(TV) 'It wasn't long before
the Santa Fe dominated...'
(TV) 'Today, we're going to examine
all 12 F-3 road names...'
(Sighs) "..he...can...have...