
Yo. (Coughs)
- You still around here, nigger?
- What you think?

All right. I guess
Errol ain't find your ass yet.

- Errol?. What he want?
- (Shorty ) Yo, Strike!

- What he want, stupid?
- How the fuck I'm 'posed to know?

Maybe he wanna play
with your fuckin' train set(!)

- Man, fuck you.
- Fuck you, nigger! I mean, snitch.

Yo, Shorty, how many...
How many times I gotta tell you, man?

Stop sweatin' me. You a kid.
This is grown-up stuff.
You gonna get hurt out here.

Now, take your little bag
of candy, take your little bike

and go find some friends, all right?
Damn! Fuckin' kids, man.
Oh, shit!
# Boogie-Down was performing
# Down with the sounds called VDP
# Boogie-Down was performing
# It ain't no joke
# Back in the days
I knew rap would never die

# I used to listen
to Awesome-2 on WHBI

# I used to hear all kind
of rap groups

# Before samplin' loops
rappers wore bell-bottom Lee suits

# Me and Kenny couldn't afford that
# So we would go to the park
while they was jammin' to hear rap

# I used to listen
till the cops broke it up

# Always thought to myself
"Damn, why they fucked it up"

# But nevertheless
I was in love with the microphone

# And it stayed that way
until I left home

# On the streets of New York
now I'm free

# But with freedom
comes big responsibility

# I used to walk around
driven by the force

# I remember how large Super
Rhymes was when he fell off

# I used to wonder about crews
that used to rock

# They were large but none of them
could manage to stay on top

# Do you ever think about
when you outta here

# Record deal and video outta here
# Mercedes-Benz
and Range Rover outta here

# No doubt BDP is old school
but we ain't goin' out... #
