and this poor fuckin' kid
stepped into the breach.
David and Goliath.
Now he's a 12-year-old murderer.
Way to go, Strike.
Yo, don't lay that on me, all right?
Don't lay that on you?
- I had nothin' to do with Tyrone.
- You had nothin' to do with it?
Can you look yourself
in the fuckin' mirror and tell me
you had nothin' to do with Tyrone?
Why the fuck you have to come
shake my hand anyway?
Didn't I tell you not to play me?
Did I not tell you that?
I don't give a fuck what you said!
You can't put this weight on me!
Nah, why should you carry
the fuckin' weight?
You must be a wonderful
fuckin' guy,
everybody tryin' to protect you
- Tyrone, Victor.
You know what? They all went down
protecting you from the same guy,
and he's still out there.
I'm the only one
that can protect you now.
That's right. Me. Me.
So you tell me how Rodney
pressured you into cappin'...
Oh, man!
..Darryl Adams,
and we'll drop him down a hole.
Don't tell me Rodney
pulled the trigger if he didn't.
All's you gotta do now
is tell me the truth.
Did you shoot Darryl Adams?
No, man, no. Damn.
- Who did?
- Scientific.
- Who the fuck is Scientific?
- He's with my crew.
- Did you see him kill Darryl Adams?
- No.
- Did he tell you he killed Darryl?.
- No!
- Did he tell anybody?
- I don't know! Why you sweatin' me?
It was Errol Barnes!
Get up!
Get up, you fuckin' lyin' cocksucker!
You crazy?
I'm gonna hand-feed you
to fuckin' Rodney myself!
I swear to God!
It was a nigger named My Man.
My brother said My Man would do it.
- My Man?
- I didn't have the heart to do him!
- I didn't have the heart to do 'im!
- Victor said My Man would do it.
We was in Kool Breeze and shit,
a-a-and Victor,
he just told me,
he was like, he said, "My Man".
Maybe Victor was so drunk
he did tell My Man to do it.
Bullshit, bullshit!
Let's go see Rodney.