(Sighs) I don't know, man.
You tell me.
We's goin' to the Port Authority
Bus Terminal.
Please, Rocco, man,
take me to Penn Station.
Same difference.
(Thinks) 'Self-defence. Self-defence.
'Victor is pleading self-defence.'
(Sighs) So, what's up with Tyrone?
Does he get bail?.
No bail on juveniles.
His mother has him until the trial.
So, how much time is he gonna get?
Maybe a half-year
in a youth house, if he's lucky.
Yo, Rocco, before I get out, man,
just answer me this one question.
Why was you so gung-ho
about all this shit, man?
Most cops...
Brothers killin' other brothers
ain't no big thing. Blasé, blasé.
What made you care about me, my
brother Victor, Darryl Adams, Tyrone?
Huh? What made you give a shit?
If I ever see you again,
I'll book you on charges
of criminal solicitation
and conspiracy to commit murder.
I'll let Andre beat you down again,
then pick up Rodney
on the same charges,
and I'll make sure you two
share the same cell.
The same fuckin' bed.
Do you understand me clearly?
Yeah, I understand you clearly.
I just wanted to say thanks, for
gettin' me outta town, that's all.