and I still don't know
what to do about Mr. Hall.
I've tried everything
to convince him
of my scholastic aptitude,
but I was brutally rebuffed.
He's a miserable little man
who wants to make
everyone else miserable, too.
Dee, that's it!
We've got to figure out a way
to make Mr. Hall sublimely happy.
Here's the 411 on Mr. Hall...
He's single, he's 47,
and he earns minor ducats
at a thankless job.
What that man needs
is a good, healthy boink fest.
there was a major
babe drought in my school.
The evil trolls
from the math department
were actually married.
Ooh, Snickers.
And in the grand tradition
of P.E. teachers,
Ms. Stoeger seemed
to be same-sex oriented.
Of course, there was always Miss Geist.
Something told me
not to discount Miss Geist.
Well, sure,
she has runs in her stockings,
and her slip is always showing,
and she has more lipstick
on her teeth than on her mouth.
Popular uprisings from
estates to the general assembly!
God, this woman is
screaming for a makeover.
I'm her only hope.
Rough winds do shake
the darling buds of May,
but thy eternal summer
shall not fade."
Did you write that?
Tscha! It's a famous quote.
From where?
Cliffs Notes.
[Miss Geist]
Run along. See you third period.
Try to remember
to bring our textbooks.