Actually, if you
take Wilshire to Canon,
that turns into Benedict.
Then she'd have to go back south,
and I'm already going north.
But you could take Tai
on your way up to Sunset.
That doesn't make any sense.
I'd have to get off the freeway.
I hate that.
Tai, go with Summer.
Cher, you'll come with me.
Watch your feet.
Didn't Tai look cute tonight?
? Away?
? Turn away?
? Turn away?
? Turn away??
I really love her hair
when it's all wild, you know?
It's also very pretty
when it's all up
with that curly tendrils,
like in that picture I took.
You know,
you're one of my best friends,
and I do not have friends
that are girls.
Well, I'm glad, because
your happiness means a lot to me.
It does?
Sure. I saw how hard
your breakup with Folette was.
Yeah. I think we both know
what it feels like to be lonely.
The thing is, I'd really
like to see you settled.
Where are we going?
I knew it.
I knew it.
You knew what?
That you were
totally sprung on me.
Hello? Don't you mean Tai?
Her picture's in your locker.
The picture you took
is in my locker.
Oh, I'm having
a Twin Peaks experience.
I knew it when you kissed me.
Suck and blow is a game, Elton.
I know it's a game.
Stop it!