
Because they're a loveless bunch
of sons of bitches, and I'm not.

Glad to hear it.
- Okay, here we go.
- Fabulous equipment.

- I have air-conditioning, too.
- Air-conditioners?

- I suppose it is a bit much.
- Shit, I'll take one.

Mr Homolka ...
- Please, call me Herkermer.
- All right. You can call me Mr Kelly.

- I wonder what she's about.
- What do you mean?

What you're after, I've got figured.
What she's after, I don't know.

I'll get you!
I'm helping that young scientist
return his ward to the wild.

He says the ape may be able to tell us
the thoughts of the wild gorillas.

You're looking for King Solomon's
diamonds. The lost city of Zinj.

- I've given it up.
- Never. The problem is, it doesn't exist.

Solomon must have got his diamonds
from Cartier, like everybody else.

You like that, don't you?
Time for Madam Amy's vitamins.
This is Karen Ross. 81452.
That is KR81452.
