
I killed her.
Where did you do that?
It was in the bathtub.
Why did you do that?
She was dirty.
She was a very dirty girl. Very dirty.
Do you remember...
:20:24 many times you stabbed her?
Get the fuck out of here.
I got work to do.
Come on, let's go. What?
lnnocent blood is on these hands.
I understand. That's a terrible thing.
But let me tell you...

...if you come back,
I'll make you stand in the corner again.

-But innocent blood is on these hands.
-I understand. It's terrible.

You don't care about the truth.
We pay for city government, just like this,
and you never care about the truth.

I killed her!
-I know.
-I killed her in the bathtub.

Good-bye, Harvey.
Was it something I did in another life?
Probably something you did in this one.
Stuff came in from Mercer.
Medical, dental receipts....

Nothing in common with the others.
What's that around your neck?
I'd get one like yours,
but I don't live near K Mart.

How about friends, acquaintances?
The only thing these girls had in common
is they all owned vibrators.

The tool of survival.
How can he come to work wearing that?
Lay off him.
A cop should look like a cop.
What's the world coming to?
Let me let you talk to the lead inspector
on the case.

Hold on.
MJ, we got Deep Throat again.
How many calls is that?
