There, now.
Didn't I say I'd take care of you?
Goodness! You're so hot!
This is going to hurt a little, I'm afraid.
They claim they didn't see anything.
You received a call from dispatch
at 6:35 a.m.?
Correct. 6:35. The first unit arrived
about 15 minutes later.
Did you isolate the kids who found her?
Yes, they're over on the side of the hill.
How many of you knew her?
We just danced with her.
You just met her tonight?
Excuse me.
Good afternoon.
Did you stand too far
from your razor today?
I was up all night with a sick friend.
I want to talk to you.
Have you got a thing going with MJ now?
I don't believe you.
Good God, man, you stink.
Heavy date last night?
Are you screwing around on her already?
What's wrong with you?
Me? I'll tell you, you just treat her right.
Don't go screwing around on her.
She doesn't deserve that.
Remind me again why she dumped you.
Why is he here?
What do you see? Tell me what you see.
There are stains.
So, she's been sexually assaulted.
No defense wounds. No ligature marks
or bruising, like the others.
Very cyanotic.
Asphyxiation, huh?
-Doesn't look like our guy.
-You don't think so?
Look at her heels.
There's abrasions, but no bleeding.
-She's been dragged up here postmortem.
On this stuff we're not going to get
any prints or tracks.
Long night?
-Don't you start.
-What about her arms?