There's needle marks.
No tracks. Not a regular user.
Probably so stoned,
she never knew what got her.
Hope so.
A lot of little hippie girls.
They all want to make love.
They all want to be beautiful.
That's your type, right?
What're you doing?
Want to be on the 6:00 news?
Go down and finish taking statements.
Let's get out of here.
I know. They found another one.
What? Ruben told you already?
I heard it on my scanner.
-Can I use your phone?
They want you to call the office?
Your phone is busted.
You're some piece of work.
I turned that damn scanner off,
and then I turned it on again.
I can't listen to it, but I can't
not listen to it. So I make Andy do it.
Are you on medication?
I need your whole brain on duty.
I'm not on duty.
Neither is my brain.
Everything is different. Different guy.
She was asphyxiated, not strangled...
...dumped outdoors, sexually assaulted.
So, nothing like DeSalvo.
Completely different.
Monahan. Messages, please.
Why do you need me?
I think I'm wrong...
...because something was artificial
about it.
Like posed. She was on display.
Why drag a body
all the way up a huge hill...
...where it will be found by tourists?
You think he's changed his routine?
That doesn't happen.
These men are robotic.
The murder's a ritual.
The method is part of the pleasure.
Why is that computer off?