[Thunder Rumbling]
- [Classical]
- Annapolis.
Five patrols on fast attacks.
Two on boomers;
one as X.O.
- [Continues]
- Hmm.
A year at...
Excuse me. Harvard?
I talked to your former C.O.
He tells me he tried to adopt you.
As you no doubt heard,
my X.O. Has appendicitis.
He's the best
I ever had.
I need a good man
to fill his spot.
Your name was
at the top of the list.
Well, that's good to know, sir.
It was a short list.
Your interests, Mr. Hunter.
What do you like to do? Do you, uh...
Do you paint, play ball, play
an instrument, ride motorcycles, what?
- I ride horses.
- Horses.
What's the best horse
you ever rode?
- Arabian, sir.
- An Arabian? That's a powerful animal.
- Yes.
- [Chuckles]
- You ever ridden one?
- Me? Are you kidding?
Nah, I couldn't handle an Arabian.
Nah, just give me an old paint.
Yeah, horses are
fascinating animals.
Dumb as fence posts
but very intuitive.
In that way, they're not too different
from high school girls.
They might not have
a brain in their head...
but they do know
all the boys want to fuck 'em.
Don't have to be able to read Ulysses
to know where they're comin' from.
- No, sir.
- [Barking]
He approves of you.
Jack Russells.
Smartest dogs alive.
Name's Bear.
Goes everyplace with me.